Access Paranormal UK Podcast is a highly recommended show for those intrigued by the paranormal. The show is hosted by Jamie Williams, along and regular guests Marie Spriggs and James Anthony, and explores the supernatural world. The hosts interview experts and investigators in the field, taking listeners along to haunted locations. Additionally, the show has its own YouTube channel that shares investigative videos and interviews that are both informative and entertaining. 

The show is aired every Sunday between 9pm & 10pm on L35 Radio and also every Wednesday night on The Florrie Radio between 9pm and 10pm.

Access Paranormal Radio is a complete compilation of our previously aired radio shows. You can access any of these broadcasts on our YouTube channel, Access Paranormal Radio, which updates every Friday following the Sunday airing.

In addition to our show recording Access Paranormal Investigate is a 45-minute podcast where the team investigates hauntings in indoor and outdoor locations. It is available on YouTube and allows people who cannot attend public events to experience a mini-investigation from home. s, we also conduct paranormal investigations that provide insight into the experience for those unable to attend public investigations. We also showcase interviews with paranormal investigators, mediums, and groups from around the globe, with the goal of sharing the paranormal world with and for everyone to enjoy.